Hello everyone! In case you missed it, I’m working on an NPC generator that will be posted to this website. Unfortunately, I don’t have details on when it will be ready yet. There is a bare minimum checklist of features to be included before launch, and that has already been devastated by scope creep.

Originally, I intended to write a short post about this once a week, but ultimately decided against it. However, I will write occasional updates, partially to keep myself accountable to continue working on it, and partially to show you how it’s coming along.

Progress So Far

Progress was slowed for a brief time because I had to write a separate data management app. Still, the original feature list is nearly complete; here is the current, fully-implemented feature list:

  • Will select a random gender, race, and name for an NPC.
  • Includes an option to lock an NPC’s name to their name and race.
  • Allows a user to select the number of NPCs to output (currently maxed at 10 — currently subject to change).
  • Includes an option to generate all NPCs with the same race, if multiple NPCs are being generated.
  • Includes an option to keep all the NPCs that have been generated, but randomly change their names.

There are a few more core features that I need to finish writing, and there are a few others that I’m experimenting with. I’m looking forward to seeing how they turn out. I’m also still in the process of figuring out what the default settings for some of these features need to be.

There is still work to be done after writing the core features, but I’ll cover those details later.

Other Info

There isn’t much additional information to share this time around. I will, however, say that this app will absolutely not be compatible with IE 11 (much like the rest of this site – I have a furious grudge against it).

You can catch up on all of the previous NPC generator news by scrolling through its tag. If you want to follow the rest of the posts on this site, you can follow my RSS feed or subscribe in the sidebar.

Featured image by James Pond on Unsplash.